Tips & Tools
- is the go-to place for Canadian tax and financial information. The site includes financial planning and income tax planning resources, tax information, tools and several tax calculators. Also access up to date income tax rates and historical rates.
- Summary of important Canadian filing due dates, penalties and interest
Currency Exchange Rate tools
Articles, Training & Webinars
- CPA Canada Pivot Magazine; stay up to date on CPA Canada’s news content and latest articles.
- Canadian tax news, including federal government tax updates, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) updates and emerging tax issues
- Why hire a CPA; What we do, Who we are. Follow CPA Ontario Spotlights on some of their members for an in-depth look at Ontario’s CPA diverse, high -flying and interesting careers.
- The difference between Canadian Registered Accounts, with a twist.
Accountant · Tax Preparation Service
Chartered Professional Accountant providing tax consulting,
preparation and education. Expat tax